
Media Mayhem Unit Awarded NGSS Design Badge

Sustainability | Jul 03, 2024

The Food and Agriculture Center for Science Education’s STEM unit, Media Mayhem, was recently awarded the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Design Badge!

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Basic Science Education Develops Lifelong Learners in Agriculture and Food Systems

Agricultural Context | Jun 20, 2024

There is wide variation in opinions, philosophies, and perspectives on nutrition and health, not only among the general public but within healthcare communities as well. As educators or producers, we interpret consumer perceptions about the agricultural system, food, environment, and health from ‘it is terrible’ to ‘we can do better.’ We often repeat some variant of ‘we need more education.’ But many recent surveys have also shown that there are significant and variable populations who in fact cling to their misperceptions when provided with evidence to the contrary. In the face of this challenging and confusing situation, we must continue to provide evidence-based knowledge on our agricultural and food systems. An expansion is needed in the number of people choosing careers within the farm-to-table supply chain to support vibrant, resilient food systems.

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Cultivating Inclusive Innovation in the Future of Food Systems

Inclusive Innovation | May 20, 2024

Imagine a field where photovoltaic panels and agricultural crops coexist. As sun energy is being harnessed overhead, the crop growth and underground soil dynamics are being meticulously monitored by AI-powered sensors. Robots weave through fields, guided by precision data maps, seeking and removing unwanted plants or weeds with laser-like accuracy. This isn't futuristic fantasy; it's the reality of current technologies being tested, and equipment being used in modern agriculture. These innovations are possible because of new and advancing technology and requires inventive minds and diverse perspectives of a new generation of agricultural problem-solvers to make them reality.

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Cultivating Excellence: Establishing Sustainable Teacher Support Systems in NGSS Implementation

Education | May 08, 2024

The Food and Agriculture Center for Science Education (The Center) is an initiative of the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture dedicated to enhancing scientific and agricultural literacy by expanding access to agriculture. The Center accomplishes this by providing immersive professional learning opportunities for educators, high-quality instructional materials designed for the Next Generation Science Standards, and collaborative partnerships between educators and agricultural experts.

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Making Sense of Sustainability: Investigating Phenomena Found in Sustainable Food Systems

Phenomena | Apr 26, 2024

Engaging student learning experiences are centered around real-world exploration and problem-solving, rather than rote memorization. Phenomena spark curiosity and prompt students to apply their scientific knowledge. Similarly, engineering problems require the application of scientific and engineering principles toward a solution to a problem that arises from a phenomenon. Both phenomena and problems serve as springboards for instruction, initiating inquiry, and providing purpose to learning.

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