
Grazing Task

Fifth Grade Earth and Life Science: How can cattle improve an ecosystem?

Three-Dimensional Claim

In this task, students will determine how cattle interact with various organisms (plants, fungi, bacteria, etc.) in an ecosystem to create a model to explain interdependent relationships and how agricultural practices can cause an ecosystem to improve

Performance Expectations - Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

5-ESS3-1. Earth and Human Activity

5-LS2-1. Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics

Next Generation Science Standards

This task is intended to elicit student learning of the following NGSS elements for each of the three dimensions:

Disciplinary Core Ideas

LS2.A: Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems

LS2.B: Human Impacts on Earth Systems

ESS3.C: Human Impacts on Earth Systems

Science and Engineering Practices

Crosscutting Concepts

New York State P-12 Learning Standards

5-LS2-1. Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems

5-ESS3-1. Earth’s Systems

Helpful Prior Knowledge

Rotational Grazing is one of the grassland management strategies that students learn about in this transfer task. Rotational Grazing is a process in which farmers plan how they will move or rotate their cattle to different pastures or pieces of land (ecosystems), to promote healthy grassland development. This management technique allows farmers to provide their cattle with nutritious forages, prevent overgrazing of any one particular area, and cultivate healthy interactions between individual components of the ecosystem. 

Students should have had opportunities to master the content within the New York Agriculture in the Classroom Next Generation Beef Toolkit - Ecosystems and Soil Health



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